Conquering Swim Disparity

Ignite This Ish

Back2the water

Reimagining the Swim Learning Process for Women of Color Ages 50+.

Statistics related to senior Black women in the U.S.

Based on 2019 data from the CDC

50% Higher Drowning Rate
Black Americans face a 50% higher drowning rate.
#2 Highest Drowning Rate Among Seniors
Seniors aged 65+ have the second highest drowning rate between age groups.
19% Chance for Black Children
Children who's parents don't know how to swim have a 19% chance of learning how to swim.


Back2thewater is a transformative swim retreat designed specifically for senior Black women, focusing on overcoming swim disparity and addressing generational trauma. This unique retreat offers a supportive and empowering environment where participants can connect, learn, and grow together.

The Problem

We aim to create a swim retreat tailored to the unique experiences of older Black women to overcome the specific swimming barriers related to this community. We’ll engage the trust of swim experts and related professionals to create a safe and healing environment. We’ll also involve the support of travel companies that rely on water-based activities to contribute their impact to this mission.

In a world where 37% of black people in the US can’t swim, compared to 15% of all adults (7% white, 26% hispanic, 22% other), this swim retreat will help to narrow this gap and save lives.

Our Assumptions

Our assumption is that the lack of strong swimmers among senior Black women is due to mental and emotional barriers based on historical and cultural context, as opposed to less access to bodies of water.

What are the real barriers?

Our Role

Go back to the water.

Dr. Tiffany Quash, Aquaphobia

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